Saturday 18 November 2017

Critical Perspectives 16/11/2017. Participatory Culture (Jenny Rintoul).

Nowadays I would label the most recent and current phase of participatory culture as a “Change in Value”. There is no doubt that the one of the key features is fact that at one-time media existed for benefit of people, then people wanted to contribute to them and nowadays we live to be part of the media. People care more about what the others think about themselves. Other people must think that “I am the best”. Secondly, at some time people devoted time to themselves, today they spent huge amount of time trying to be part of mass media. They published useless stuffs like photos of what they ate or memes, fail compilation, vlogs about nothing. Those things do not bring anything to life – they do not have any value. Next example – some day when people wanted to go for a run, they just took their running shoes and went. Nowadays everyone must know that acquaintance from Facebook was running, how many miles, how long – it is like saying “Hey people, look how good I am because I was running/I went to the part/I cooked the dinner”. People do not know themselves, but everyone thinks that it is unique. 


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